Parent Services
Parents are our most valuable resource and partner—here we present some important information for parents about the guidelines for the programs we offer and hopefully answer any questions that parents/guardians might have. To schedule a tour, please contact the program at our main number:
(540) 829-2124.
Parent/Guardian FAQs
Program Details
How many children are cared for?
Among 6 elementary sites, we average a daily attendance of 300 (about 50 per school.) We also operate before and afterschool for Early Headstart and Headstart in which approximately 150 young children are enrolled.
Are you registered/licensed/accredited?
We are a fully licensed child care center and follow all state guidelines; the license is for a 2 year term although we are subject to drop-in inspections at any time and mandated two unannounced.
What ages are accepted?
It depends on the program; Preschool is for 0-5 years; Before and After School is for 5-12 years.
What are the hours for care?
It depends on the program; Wraparound care for Headstart runs from 6:30am-8am and 2pm-6:30pm (Early HS 7am-5pm ONLY); Before and After School in the elementary schools is 6:30 a.m. until school begins and then school dismissal until 6:30p.m.
Is transportation provided?
No; parents/guardians are expected to provide their own transportation.
What types of meals/snacks are provided?
During the school year at the elementary schools, we provide a PM snack and in the event of a delay in the morning, we provide breakfast. On All Day Daycare days, we provide breakfast and an afternoon snack (pack lunches). We provide breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack for Summer Camp. All of our meals/snacks follow USDA guidelines to be healthy and nutritious and we participate in CACFP.
Do you provide care for children with disabilities?
Yes. However, we suggest setting up a meeting with staff to fully discuss the child’s needs.
What is the level of parent involvement?
We encourage a close and comfortable daily relationship between staff and parents/guardians; we welcome parents/guardians as volunteers and for visits but we appreciate scheduling.
Are there any subsidies that can help me pay for my child’s child care?
We do not offer any sliding fee assistance or in house scholarships; however, depending on availability of funds with the Department of Social Services and your qualification for those funds; contact April Taylor with Child Care Assistance (540) 727-1055
When are fees due?
Prepaid on a weekly basis during the summer and all year for PreK. Billing is a week behind during the school year for School Aged children. You can pay weekly or bi-weekly.
Are there different fees for different ages?
Yes-it depends on the program; please see the fees sheet under About Us-Enrollment.
Are discounts available for siblings?
Yes; please see the fees sheet under About Us-Enrollment.
Are there extra fees-supply fees, pickup late fees?
There is a registration fee, a weekly care fee and a pickup late fee; please see the fees sheet under About Us-Enrollment.
How many adults per child?
We follow state licensing guidelines for each age group we work with.
What is the discipline policy?
We use positive discipline techniques including timeouts but also have close communication with parents/guardians and follow a code of conduct.
Do staff use a curriculum or activity plan?
We use a developed curriculum with monthly planned activities.

Parent Handbook
Download our handbook for helpful reminders
Online Payments
Click on the button below. We ask that you please put the child(ren)’s name in the Customer Account Information fields. Thank you!